Saturday, May 11, 2013

Baby Names: How to choose the best name for your child?

After a few months of learning the gender of your child. You start surfing the net to pick the best baby names. Some people believe that meaningful baby names would affect their baby's behavior and personality. So, many people tend to name their children after the successful people in the world. Some, also use celebrity names.

I would like to share how my husband and I chose our baby's name. 
My husband really spends too much time reading comics and playing video games. He wanted our child to be named after his favorite character, "Squall" of Final Fantasy. While I love "Leon" of Resident Evil. We both love "Superman" but, even though we wanted to use the name "Clark" it's too common. As we were picking through lots of suggestions, We decided to use "Cleon" we added letter C to "Leon" so it's more unique. Then, we both love Superman, that's why, we used his Kryptonian name, "Kal El." Many say, that he has a very strange name, but they like it. We are very satisfied in naming him. I checked his name on the net quite late, and to my amusement Cleon's meaning is "well- renowned". 
Choosing a name for your child isn't really hard. Just be sure of the things that interest you since you were young. And when you see your child's face for the first time, then call him the name you like, you would definitely feel if the name you chose really is for him to keep. 

To give you help, here are the websites that might help you pick a good name for your baby:

Baby Names
Think Baby Names
Unique Baby Names